Monday, February 4, 2013

A Letter from Vancouver: Monday, February 04, 2013

Subject: Say what?!

Hello my dear family! So this week is week has been another slow week. We had some awesome things planned and lots of things to get done but as we all know, people have their agency. Darn that agency!! We make appointments and then people totally forget or they cancel and then... We tract :) haha it is all good though! Frustrating at times but it's good. We were low on miles and trying to safe up for a drive that we had to make out ot Washouagal which is about 15 miles away. So therefore, we had to walk everywhere which we weren't used to but it was actually really nice! It made me appreciate the luxury of having a car :) The appointment in Washougal cancelled... We tried really hard to laugh when that happened as we looked at our blisters and swollen feet :) hahhaha it all worked out in the end.
This week was like I said really slow but we did have some really great experiences! I keep forgetting to tell you all about Judy and her patriarchal blessing. Oh my goodness!!! How I love her!!  Judy is my girl. haha She is the kindest, sweetest person in the world. And just down right funny. Judy has a hard time understanding things and putting together things about the Gospel but she loves it so she tries really hard. She shared with us her patriarchal blessing and wanted us to tell her what everything means... Sis. Neumayer and I read through it with her and asked her questions about what she thought.. Helping her learn and not us telling her. After all, that's not how it's suppose to go anyway. As we were reading through her blessing, the sweetest feeling was there. If there was anything that I learned from that experience is that God knows us. I just felt this insane power that he knew Judy better than I will ever know Judy and that he loves her. Sis. Neumayer and I bore testimony of his love for her and how we can't interpret that for her. She needs to read it over and over. It was beautiful! I loved every minute of it! We had a lesson with Michael yesterday and Sis. Neumayer pointed out something that I didn't even think about. Michael always has these super deep deep questions about the Gospel and just life in general. We in the past would answer those questions to the best of our ability. What we were missing in those moments though, was the simplicity of the Gospel. He needs to build that foundation and not worry about the deep stuff yet! Gosh! I knew that we needed to get back to the simple stuff but I think I was just lost in how to do it. This is why the Lord sends us two by two. We need companions. We are working with Michael in that core foundation. We will see how this goes. The Lord loves him and will help him. Shada is really keeping her commitments.. we still work with her and pray that her heart is open to an answer from the Lord.
A quick something funny that happened last week while Sis. Neumayer and I were tracting.. We knocked on this ladies house and she answers the door. We state who were are and our purpose. She then tells us she isn't interested. We tell her thank you for your time and say our goodbye's. Just as she is about to shut the door she opens in back open and says "I believe in womens rights and your church just doesn't support that. Thank you, goodbye." Sis. Neumayer and I just looked at eachother and start to kinda laugh.. As we walk away thats when I really got what she had said to us. That's when I got mad and said something about how she was a mean person and whatever else... Here comes the lesson... As we walked away there on the sidewalk was dog poop. Who doesn't see it? Me. I step right into it. Moral of the story!! We are all God's children. We shoud head to the counsel in Mosiah 4:30. Watching my thoughts and my words.... hahah
Well my dear family. I love you!!! The church is true!!
Love, Sister Mecham

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