Monday, March 18, 2013

A Letter from West Richland: Monday, March 18, 2013

Subject: What a FANTASTIC week!!!!!

Hello there!!! This week has been wonderful!! Did I mention how much I love West Richland?! Because I do :) Well this week we started out kind of slow. After Sis. Duncan and I recovered from the stomach flu we hit the ground running. Like I've said in the past couple of emails, we have been trying really hard to make sure that we are in the right place at the right time and doing the right thing. Really trying super hard to listen to the spirit and do what the Lord has asked us to do. We've been trying really hard to get in with members and share Doctrine of Christ messages and ask for referrals. We were able to meet with some awesome Less- Actives and get them to commit to come to church on Sunday! Something that was confirmed to me this week is that obedience really does bring forth the blessings of heaven. As Sis. Duncan and I were trying really hard to be obedient and follow the rules, the Lord blessed us. We went over on Wednesday and set up and return appointment with a potential investigator Anne, the darling lady that I told you about last week. We set up a return appointment for Thursday afternoon!  Well the next day came and went to over to Anne's to share with her the Restoration. As we met with Anne were were able to answer her questions and help her get over somethings. It was then that I was so happy to be apart of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She was talking about how she had gone to so many different churches and how they all kind of taught different doctrine. When we explained to her that we believe that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are all separate beings she said to us " Okay you got one things right!" haha She is just the greatest! We challenged her to come to church and at 10:55 a.m who walks into church? Oh just our darling Anne! I could hardly move! I was so stunned to see her there!!! I was so happy!!!!! Hahah I'm sure I kind of freaked her out because I just wouldn't stop smiling. haha
That was really one of the biggest highlights of my week! The Lord really truly blesses us when we are trying so very hard to do what is right. Anyway, We have been teaching this Part memeber family in one of the wards and goodness do I love them! The Bowmans are fantastic! Brother Bowman is a less- active member and is the only member in his family. We have been teaching his daughter Lindsey who is a Junior in High school and his son Andrew who is in his 20's. Sis. Duncan and I felt really impressed to talk about the Doctrine of Christ last night as we met with them and focus on baptism... I always get nervous talking about baptism and extending that invitation. After sharing the messages and teaching there was just a long really quite spiritual pause and I felt like that was when we needed to ask Andrew and Lindsey to be baptized. So I just said it. haha I couldn't even control what was coming out of my mouth! haha After I said it, I just sat there and prayed that they would take it well. Turns out it is something that they would love to do but they just don't feel ready yet. They don't know when they will be ready but we challenged them to pray about when they should be baptized and focus on trying to do what the Lord wants them to do. After we left that lesson I was thinking really hard about what part of the gospel do they not understand yet that could be holding them back from making that commitment.  I came to the conclusion that it all comes back to the Atonement. They need to understand what the Savior has done for them so they will be willing to do all that they can for him.
I just want to all to know that I know the Atonement is real. I know that it is the infinite atonement and all things can be made right through it. I'm so grateful to know that!! I don't know where I would be without it. I can't wait to be able to go back and teach the Bowman family more about the Atonement and help them feel of our Saviors grace and mercy. I love you all!! The gospel is true!!!
Love, Sister Mecham

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