Monday, November 12, 2012

A Letter from Vancouver: Monday, November 12, 2012

Subject: 4 people my dear friends

Oh my goodness.... This week. Hahah. Lets just say that it was an awesome week! Sister Brox and I had a rough start to the week. All of our appointments and our back-ups fell through and we serious almost broke down and started to cry. But what good would that have done? So Monday and Tuesday were like that. But then the golden day of Wednesday came around. We had an appointment with our investigator family, the Skaugstads and it was on obedience, follow the Prophet, and the Word of Wisdom. Word of wisdom was something they have been wondering about and had some issues with but nothing the Lord couldn't handle! So after we got them to kind of understand and commit to try their very hardest to live the commandment Sister Brox says the magic line..." Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God?".... My heart stopped. The Spirit was SOO strong you could have touched it. What do you think they said?......
YESSSSSS! Oh my! I started to cry! haha Sister Brox and I had prayed together and individually about a date for them to be baptized and both came up with Dec. 1st. The Lord answers prayers my dear friends because when Sister Brox asked if they would prepare themselves to be baptized on that day Brother and Sister Skaugstad started to cry and answered YES. Their daughter Hannah is so excited to be baptized with them on Dec. 1st. Man, this was an absolutley powerful lesson. We go back tonight to teach them about continuing in prayer and scripture study.
Monday and Tuesday were trials of our Faith and Wednesday was a blessing and answer to prayers. Sister Brox tells me that it doesn't always happen like this haha. We met with this guy named Perry. He lives with his grandma who is a member and has taken the lessons before but suddenly up and left but is now back and wants to be baptized. We put him on date for Dec. 1st aswell.. Keep him in your prayers. Pray that he will have the true desire to make and keep this sacred convenant and that he understand what it means.
I love you all! Thank you for your prayers. Sister Brox and I feel them! I know this church is true, It bring such happiness and comfort to my life as I live it. And as I watch others strive to live it aswell. Love you!
Sister Mecham

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