Monday, January 28, 2013

A Letter from Vancouver: Monday, January 28, 2013

Subject: Because I know....

Oh my dear family!! This week has been one of growth. This week I learned how to ride the "big girl missionary bike"! No more training wheels for this Sister missionary. Sis. Brox left me on Wednesday morning at 8:30 and headed off to the East side to Kennewick. I may or may not have cried most of the way to the transfer site. hahaha I know I'm a big baby. I just realized at that moment that I Sister Mecham would have to take over the wards and the area and I had only been there for just a short time and how the HECK was I suppose to help another Sister get to know the area. But alas, the Lord showed me yet again that he loves me and is mindful of my every need. That is why he sent me Sis. Neumayer. Oh my GOSH! I just love her to pieces. She is from Orange County, California and is a professional opera singer!! I am just the luckiest sister ever! Her favorite color is green and we get along wonderfully! She has some awesome things to bring to this area and is so patient with me as I get us lost every once in a while. ( More often than not haha)
This week we have done a lot of planting and not harvesting. There is one thing that I have learned and that has been confirmed to me over and over again as I meet different people and as we teach them. That God lives. Lately, we have been hearing from investigators that they don't believe in God and that this life is just a mindless event and then we are just going to die and that is all. My heart aches for those people. We simply extend commitments to them so that their faith will grow but they won't keep that commitment because they don't have that foundation to build on. As I came out on my mission I thought that I would be teaching people who were just eager to learn about that Gospel and who just need to hear that one thing about the church that would ring true to them and then they would want to get baptized and receive the Holy Ghost and come to church every week! But what I have come to realize is that the Lord has a different plan for me. He wants me to learn that he is there. He lives and loves me. He loves the people that I am teaching and because he loves them and me, I have to learn how to help them create that foundation for them so they can build on it and come to know for themselves the truthfulness of the gospel. It makes me think of the story that Elder Jeffery R. Holland tells in his last conference talk, The First and Great Commandment. The story of Peter and Christ asking him 3 different times, "Do you love me?" after Peter answers " Yea Lord, thou knowest that I love thee." He then tells Peter "Then feed my sheep." That is the commandment that He has given us. To feed his sheep. I'm so grateful for this opportunity! There are a lot of times when it is hard but I love it so much!
Well family! That is what I have learned this week. Our investigators are doing great. We have some hurtles that we need to jump and some foundation that needs to be put down. After that, these wonderful people are ready to go! Thank you so very much for your prayers! I feel them all the way over here in good old Vancouver. Love you all loads and loads!
Sister Mecham

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