Monday, December 2, 2013

A Letter from Kennewick: Monday, December 02, 2013

Hello my dearest family and friends!

How are you all?! I hope you are doing well and that you had a lovely thanksgiving! It was wonderful here! We went to a couple of families houses and just enjoyed being with them. We finished the night by playing phase10 at a members house. It was great!

We've had some really cool teaching experiences this week. We taught the Leslie family twice this week. On Tuesday we shared with them the Restoration video. I love that movie! It always brings in the spirit so strong and helps investigators feel the spirit. They loved! We talked to them about how important it is to pray and to know that these things are true. They asked us a whole bunch of questions about our family lives and what our parents taught us. They asked if we ever had the choice to believe in this or the choice to leave it. It was a really wonderful experience for me to be able to share with him my experience in growing up and the way that my parents honored/ still do honor my agency. It was so great! At the end of the lesson Sis. Davenport invited Brother Leslie to say the closing prayer. He was kinda mad but.. HE DID IT! It was great!! And they wanted us to come back! We went back on Saturday and started reading the Book of Mormon with them. We started in 1 Nephi 1. It was really great! We kept it really simple and explained as we went what was being talked about.
Something that really hit me as we were reading that chapter with them was that, this whole principle and concept of God speaking to his children and the way he does with Lehi through a vision is something that we are familiar with in the Bible. The Book of Mormon is not new doctrine, just more of the same doctrine found in the Bible on a very simple bases. How much I love the Book of Mormon!! It is so fantastic!
When we had Elder Richards come to us, he talked to us about teaching truth and teaching it simply. We aren't to be using things that make the gospel principles complicated and confusing. The simpler we teach the more our investigators will understand the essential truths:

1.Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer
2.Joseph smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ
3.The Book of Mormon is the word of God
4. The Priesthood

We are just learning how to teach simply and to teach so they gain these testimonies. It has been really wonderful to see the change that happens!

We had another lesson this week with another investigator family that didn't receive the message the same way that the Leslie family did... It is really hard when that happens but when people aren't ready, we can't force them to be. If we want to know the gospel is true then we have put of faith to the test and pray. Simple.
Well my dear family, I love you all. Have a wonderful week! I love you all!
Sis. Mecham
D&C 50:24 

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